Business Resilience

Business Resillience

My aim is to provide business owners and their team members with

easily accessible and commercially relevant training.

Through a series of half-day workshops, delivered online, we cover topics

which have a significant impact on workplace productivity.

Group numbers are limited for every workshop, so every attendee has time to explore

their particular issues in a safe, non-judgemental space.

As a certified Business and Executive Coach, and Mentor

I can help each attendee find solutions and tactics which will work for them back in their workplace.

If we have learned anything from the last few years it might be that we don't know what is around the corner?

Would you and your business have the resources required to survive another major disruptive event?

Do you need some help to safeguard your business now?

This half day workshop will look at ways you can spread your risk, pivot or maximise what you currently have, to future proof your business.

Ideally suited for the sole trader or small business owner who needs some help to protect their business.

For further details on and dates and times or to book a place at the business resilience workshop please CLICK HERE.


While I strongly believe that everyone will find value in attending this workshop, if you feel that it hasn't been of value,

I am happy to refund the workshop fee.  Your satisfaction is my priority.

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